New Arrivals

Signed Painter

Hiroshi NOMURA


Signed Book 2

System of Culture


This Week's Restock


Nobuyoshi ARAKI


Restock/Best of Rubber

Issei SUDA


Photography & art in books

shashasha is an online bookshop based in Tokyo, Japan.

Since shashasha’s launch in 2012, we have specialized in photobooks and artbooks by a wide range of artists from all over the world. Our lineup includes new publications and self-published works as well as second-hand, rare or out-of-print books by newcomers, established artists and legendary masters.

Each book available on shashasha has been hand-selected and carefully considered. Based in Japan, we make use of our unique perspective and expertise to offer a diverse and enriching catalogue featuring works by interesting publishers and artists from Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and the Americas.

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