Bridge of Sighs

Bridge of Sighs


Build in 1600, The Bridge of Sighs known as ‘Ponte dei Sospiri’ by Venetians, connects the Doges’s Palace interrogation rooms to the prison. The name comes from the suggestion that prisoners would sigh at their last view of the world before their imprisonment or their execution.

Chad Moore’s Bridge of Sighs refers to the New York’s Bridge of Sighs, located at ‘The Tombs’ near the artist’s studio. This new album of combined portraits and landscapes, introduce a new language of the artist: silence and contemplativeness. A translation of his errant experiences in the city. The result, is a resonant representation of the despair provided by the city to his characters and to himself. Perhaps it is the last sighs of a youth, full of dreams and beauty, as per the last sigh of the convicts crossing that famous bridge.

Years later a popular legend of the Bridge of Sighs tell that lovers who will pass under the bridge in Venice will reach eternal love and bliss. Chad Moore’s Bridge of Sighs become a tale of transcendence. There is great value for Moore in simple joy, passion, energy, boredom, sadness, tenderness and sexuality. He finds that this chaotic context allows him to express those things in himself, and that the eternal quest of love is the meaningful answer to the innocence lost.

― Statement from publisher


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Book Size
255 x 295 mm
40 pages, 35 images
Publication Date
Limited Edition

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