Hotshoe Issue 211: Shooting Mum and Dad

Hotshoe Issue 211: Shooting Mum and Dad

Deanna DIKEMANPaul GRAHAMChristopher ANDERSONMark STEINMETZVarious Artists

Publisher: Hotshoe

Issue 211 of the British photography magazine Hotshoe features work by Richard Billingham, Sage Sohier, Mohamed Hassan, Mitch Epstein, Anna Fox, Mary Frey, Judith Black, Ronan McCall, Deanna Dikeman, Esther Teichmann, Paul Graham, Christopher Anderson, Mark Steinmetz, Lydia Goldblatt, and Oliver Woods.
As the title "Shooting Mum and Dad" suggests, each of the featured series focuses on the relationship between the photographers and their parents. In addition to the photographic series, "Hotshoe" further explores its theme in short interviews with each of the participating artists, interspersed throughout the book. The final pages are devoted to reviews of recently published photobooks.

“The artists in this issue take varied approaches to documenting their parents. Some are just races. But what continually comes up is a universal feeling of acceptance, if not forgiveness. A recognition that they might ‘fuck us up’ but they also love us into being. The phrase ‘As a child,’ is used repeatedly in the answers to our questions. As adults, we come to understand the second verse of Larkin’s poem, ‘But they were fucked up in their turn…’”
― from Melissa DeWitt’s “Editor’s Letter”

Keywords: Family


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Book Size
230 × 160 mm
192 pages
Publication Year

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