Born in Japan in 1975 Kazuyoshi Usui's Macaroni Christian portrays protagonists in various scenes played out in three parts. Published by Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha, the publication also contains an afterword by Eikoh Hosoe.
"These photographs are bluntly aggressive and theatrical. They illustrate the response o a young an in a country that is suffocating and confined, adrift with no idea where it's headin. Kazuyoshi has bypassed notions of new or old: what counts for him is satisfying his own demands, and this becomes the hammer he uses to break through to a wider world."
- Eikoh Hosoe excerpt from Macaroni Christian
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- Book Size
- 280 × 210 mm
- Pages
- 104 pages
- Binding
- Hard-cover
- Publication Date
- 2006