This 20th volume is the final installment in Keizo Kitajima’s long-running “Untitled Records” series. Kitajima originally began the project following the earthquake and tsunami of 2011. For the series, Kitajima documented locations in regions all over Japan, from Hokkaido to the disaster-stricken areas of Fukushima and Sanriku and all the way to Okinawa in the south, and published the photographs in twenty quarterly booklets. Following the idea that the conditions of our current age mean that a single, seemingly objective view is no longer enough to observe and understand the world around us, Kitajima emphasized diversity and range in his practice.
The photographs in this final volume were taken in Ajigasawa, Kasumigaura, Suzaka, Nagano, Niigata, Saku, Ofunato, Hirono, Kesennuma, Yamamoto, Rikuzentaka, Onagawa and Namerikawa between the years 2011 and 2021.
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- Book Size
- 295 × 260 mm
- Pages
- 16 pages
- Binding
- Softcover
- Publication Year
- 2021
- 978-4-9078-65-35-1