Tai Kwun Contemporary

Tai Kwun Contemporary is the non-profit visual art programme of Tai Kwun. Realising five to eight exhibitions a year and curatorially driven, Tai Kwun Contemporary presents and commissions artists from Hong Kong and beyond, while offering an extensive range of public programming as well as an extensive Asia-centred Artists’ Book Library. With the aspiration to contribute to and transform the experience and understanding of contemporary art in Hong Kong, Tai Kwun Contemporary is devoted to inspiring the Hong Kong public with an inquisitive attitude and committed to offering a conducive platform for learning and experimentation.
Tai Kwun Contemporary’s five to eight exhibitions a year frequently involve close collaborations with other art institutions and organisations. With an earnest commitment to the highest standards of exhibition-making, Tai Kwun Contemporary contributes to an expanding art and cultural discourse in Hong Kong, which in turn affirms the city’s position as a leading international art hub in Asia, all the while steering free from the commercial art world.

Publications of Tai Kwun Contemporary