Truth is One
Truth is One
Truth is One
Truth is One
I and Thou
I and Thou
I and Thou
I and Thou
Alone Together
Alone Together
Alone Together
Alone Together
Yomogi soshi-Who might you be?
Yomogi soshi-Who might you be?
Yomogi soshi-Who might you be?
Yomogi soshi-Who might you be?
Mi-Yeon is a Tokyo based photographer and writer, born in Seoul, South Korea, and studied photography at ICART PHOTO in France. Her work is often inspired by philosophy, thought, and religion. A major theme of her work being the certainty and uncertainty of “existing”.
2022 - Memories are like Dreams, essays & photographs, Shohakusya Publishing co., Japan
2017 - Alone Together, photobook, Noonbit photographer collection 042, Korea
2015 - I and Thou, handmade artist book limited edition 72, Japan
2014 - Yomogi soshi –who might you be?, photobook, Madosha, Japan
2014 - Alone Together, photobook, kaya books, Japan
2004 - LOVE LAND, poems & photographs, PHP Inc., Japan
2002 - Imacoconiiruyo, essays & photographs, KAISEI-SHA, Japan
2001 - I was born, essays & photographs, Shohakusya Publishing co., Japan
2017 - Alone Together, photobook, Noonbit photographer collection 042, Korea
2015 - I and Thou, handmade artist book limited edition 72, Japan
2014 - Yomogi soshi –who might you be?, photobook, Madosha, Japan
2014 - Alone Together, photobook, kaya books, Japan
2004 - LOVE LAND, poems & photographs, PHP Inc., Japan
2002 - Imacoconiiruyo, essays & photographs, KAISEI-SHA, Japan
2001 - I was born, essays & photographs, Shohakusya Publishing co., Japan
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2023 - “KUU” FUGENSHA, Tokyo
2023 - “Céleste (KUU)” Anne Clergue Gallery, Arles, France
2022 - “Memories are like Dreams ” Gallery Koubun, Tokyo
2022 - “Truth is One” Place M,Tokyo, Japan
2021 - “Truth is One” Myoukouji Temple, Niigata, Japan
2021 - “Truth is One” Sakyukan,Niigata, Japan
2020 - “Dol / Dang” G&S NEU, Osaka, Japan
2017 - “I and Thou” Gallery mu-an, Nagaoka, Japan
2016 - “I and Thou” Anne Clergue Gallery, Arles, France
2016 - “I and Thou” Salon du Panthéon, Curated by Nathalie Gallon, Paris, France
2016 - “Alone Together” Gallery Niigata-Eya, Niigata, Japan
2016 - “Yomogi soshi – Who might you be?” Gallery mu-an, Nagaoka, Japan
2015 - “Alone Together” Space 22, Seoul, South Korea
2013 - “Alone Together” Gallery Tosei, Tokyo
2003 - “At the moment of two years old” Crayon house, Tokyo
2002 - “At the moment of two years old” Setagaya Lifestyle Design Center, Tokyo
2001 - “I was born” Gallery Koubun, Tokyo
2000 - “EXISTENCE” Gallery Tomos, Tokyo
2000 - “EXISTENCE – Erigeron canadensis” Gallery Mole, Tokyo
2023 - “Céleste (KUU)” Anne Clergue Gallery, Arles, France
2022 - “Memories are like Dreams ” Gallery Koubun, Tokyo
2022 - “Truth is One” Place M,Tokyo, Japan
2021 - “Truth is One” Myoukouji Temple, Niigata, Japan
2021 - “Truth is One” Sakyukan,Niigata, Japan
2020 - “Dol / Dang” G&S NEU, Osaka, Japan
2017 - “I and Thou” Gallery mu-an, Nagaoka, Japan
2016 - “I and Thou” Anne Clergue Gallery, Arles, France
2016 - “I and Thou” Salon du Panthéon, Curated by Nathalie Gallon, Paris, France
2016 - “Alone Together” Gallery Niigata-Eya, Niigata, Japan
2016 - “Yomogi soshi – Who might you be?” Gallery mu-an, Nagaoka, Japan
2015 - “Alone Together” Space 22, Seoul, South Korea
2013 - “Alone Together” Gallery Tosei, Tokyo
2003 - “At the moment of two years old” Crayon house, Tokyo
2002 - “At the moment of two years old” Setagaya Lifestyle Design Center, Tokyo
2001 - “I was born” Gallery Koubun, Tokyo
2000 - “EXISTENCE” Gallery Tomos, Tokyo
2000 - “EXISTENCE – Erigeron canadensis” Gallery Mole, Tokyo
Selected Group Exhibitions
2023 - AFFORDANCE, KITAHANA N GALLERY, Curated by Eunoia, Osaka
2021 - Hikariwotoru, Niigata-Eya, Niigata, Japan (two person)
2020 - Photography Festival, Promenades Photographiques, Vendôme. France
2017 - Gelatin Silver Print, Space 22, Seoul
2017 - Art Festival, Regards d’ailleurs, Curated by Nathalie Gallon, Dreux, France
2015 - Festival Photo Saint-Germain, Curated by Nathalie Gallon, Paris
2014 - Photo Off, La Bellevilloise, Curated by in)(between art gallery, Paris
2021 - Hikariwotoru, Niigata-Eya, Niigata, Japan (two person)
2020 - Photography Festival, Promenades Photographiques, Vendôme. France
2017 - Gelatin Silver Print, Space 22, Seoul
2017 - Art Festival, Regards d’ailleurs, Curated by Nathalie Gallon, Dreux, France
2015 - Festival Photo Saint-Germain, Curated by Nathalie Gallon, Paris
2014 - Photo Off, La Bellevilloise, Curated by in)(between art gallery, Paris
Book Awards
I and Thou
- Steidl Book Award Japan, shortlisted, 2016
- Kassel dummy award, shortlisted, 2016
- Unseen Dummy Award, shortlisted, 2015
- Self Publishing PHOTOLUX Award, shortlisted, 2015
Alone Together
- Shashin Book Award , Winner, 2014
I and Thou
- Steidl Book Award Japan, shortlisted, 2016
- Kassel dummy award, shortlisted, 2016
- Unseen Dummy Award, shortlisted, 2015
- Self Publishing PHOTOLUX Award, shortlisted, 2015
Alone Together
- Shashin Book Award , Winner, 2014