Paris 11-15th November, 2015

Paris 11-15th November, 2015


Publisher: MACK

The photos in Paris 11-15th November, 2015, all of them still lives except for one (crucial) image, chronicle a gentle passage of time, with consecutive shots of the same scenery changing only slightly. While initially calm and soothing, Graham concentrates on details of the Paris apartment to the point of his photos taking on a disquieting air: the escapist attempt can remain only temporary.

"During the terrorist attacks on Paris in November 2015, photographer Paul Graham took refuge in an apartment in the city with his partner and young child. In response to the suffocating tension on the city's streets, he made this series. Looking at the images you would never know of the traumatic events unfolding outside, but suffusing the photographs is an inscrutable longing for the safe, the everyday, the known.

Paul Graham was born in 1956 in Stafford, England. He is has been the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships including the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize, a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Hasselblad Award and the Paris Photo-Aperture Foundation Photo Book Awards prize for best photographic book of the past 15 years. His publications include The Whiteness of the Whale (MACK, 2015), Does Yellow Run Forever? (MACK, 2014), The Present (MACK, 2012), 1981 & 2011 (MACK, 2012), a shimmer of possibility (MACK, 2007), Films (MACK, 2011), American Night (MACK, 2003) and End of an Age (Scalo, 1999). He has exhibited at Tate Gallery, MoMA, Whitney Museum of American Art, Deichtorhallen and Fotomuseum Winterthur amongst many others."

— statement by the publisher


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Book Size
260 x 180 mm
88 pages, 30 images
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